Grace, once married to the notorious pirate Blackbeard, inherited all his wealth after his untimely demise. As the daughter of the most influential maritime clan ruling the Seven Seas, she demanded taxes from every ship that passed through her domain. This formidable authority earned her the title “Queen of the Seven Seas.”
Legends say that along with Blackbeard’s fortune, Grace also possessed his legendary treasure map—a coveted artifact that could lead its owner to countless hidden riches. Many have tried to claim the map, but none have succeeded in wresting it from the Queen’s grasp. Will you be the one to seize the map and unlock its secrets?
Queen of Bounty is a 5-reel, 3-row video slot that features cascading symbols, increasing multipliers, and a choice of free spins modes. Every win raises the multiplier, and 3 or more Scatter symbols trigger the Free Spins Feature, offering new paths to fortune and glory!